"Class hour" Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism. Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism methodological development on the topic Presentation international day against fascism

Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar

municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 37

Courage Lesson

"International Day Against Fascism".

Prepared by:

Class teacher 1 "G" class

Litvinova Elena Petrovna.


Target: To form students' understanding of fascism

Tasks: 1. Focus students' attention on the need to resist and reject the manifestation of fascism.

2. Promote tolerance and prevention

ethnic hatred and intolerance.

3. Promote the formation of a sense of mercy.


Teacher: On November 9, the world will celebrate the International Day against Fascism. This day is dedicated to the tragic events that took place on the night of November 9-10, 1938 in Germany and Austria. This was the first mass action of physical violence against the Jews of the Third Reich. In one night, about 90 Jews were killed, hundreds of Jews were injured and maimed, and 3.5 thousand Jews were sent to concentration camps. A massive Jewish pogrom, called "Kristallnacht" or "Night of broken windows". This marked the beginning of mass violence against the Jewish people, which led to the death of about 6 million Jews.What is fascism, Kristallnacht, concentration camps? Today we will try to find the answer to this question together.

A number of photographs related to fascism are presented to your attention.

Look and answer: what feelings do you have, what feelings do these photos evoke? ( student reads a verse )

Tens of millions of lives took with him onepmode;

The meat grinder ground all the bones into weightless smoke.

Jews, Russians, Tatars, French, Germans, British ..:

Everything got mixed up. For all there was one scourge with the name "fascism"

Let behind fifty years, even if there are no many documents,

But eternal memory lives on, and pain in the heart does not give

Forget the bloody genocide. And the Holocaust in the temples is noisy,

Praying the living to prevent such a disaster from happening again.

Fascism originated long before the outbreak of World War II.There is no country that has benefited from the rule of the Nazis, there is no nation that has been enriched materially or spiritually as a result of their rule. There is no more terrible ideology than the one that makes a person guilty from birth only for the blood that flows in his veins. (The student makes a presentation on the fascist ideology )

Fascism is such an ideology when one person wants to put his foot on the neck of another person and make him a slave. The Nazis have turned the lives of millions of people around the world into hell. As an inferior race, the Nazis viewed Jews, Poles, Russians, and other Slavs who needed to be subdued. They sought to destroy those who did not look like them, these are people of a different nationality, a different skin color. Fascists have no heart, no nerves. They destroyed their pity and sympathy. The Nazis did not stop if old men or women, girls or boys were in front of them! Kill everyone! More than 62 million people died at the hands of the Nazis. Thousands of towns and villages were turned into ruins. The Nazis tried to turn people into slaves.

Teacher.The ideology of Nazism brought ruin to those who created it, and to all its followers.

So which one of you was the most attentive? What is the essence of fascism? Let's see who the representatives of the higher nations were. (photo exhibition)

Teacher. During the war, concentration camps were built in Germany and in the territories occupied (captured) by Germany. itthe most unthinkable and terrible of the atrocities of fascism. The death camps were intended for the maintenance of prisoners of war and the destruction of thousands of people. The Nazis have been working all the time to improve the technology of mass destruction of people. Victims in the camps were subjected to inhumane medical experiments, which often resulted in death. The extermination continued until the surrender of Germany in 1945.

The student makes a presentation about the death camps.

Total through concentration 18 million people passed through the camps, of which about 12 million died. human.The Soviet Union suffered the greatest losses.In such camps, prisoners were kept in inhuman conditions; forced to work 18-20 hours a day, exhausted,the sick were burned alive in the crematorium ovens, shot, suffocated in gas chambers. Even children were not spared. They took blood from them to treat the wounded in the battles of the Nazis. Experiments were performed on people, after which it was impossible to survive. Hundreds of prisoners were vaccinated with contagious diseases, others were used for experiments. Here are the top 5 death camps.

1 student: In the south of Poland, near the city of Krakow, there is a place that will not leave anyone indifferent. Here is the largest camp founded by the Germans - the Auschwitz death camp. It was impossible to escape from there, because the entire territory was surrounded by live barbed wire and watchtowers. More than 4 million people were exterminated in Auschwitz. If someone fled, then all his relatives were arrestedandsent to the camp : prisoners from his block were killed. This is one of the scariest places on earth.

The attitude towards the prisoners was inhuman. Maintaining hygiene without soap and water was impossible. Only occasionally were given a limited amount of time to wash. The prisoners were allowed to go to the toilet twice a day. The prisoners were not fed for a long time, they ate bark and grass. The prisoners slept on three-story bunk beds covered with straw.

01/27/1945 prisoners of the death camp were liberated by the Soviet Army. There is now a museum on the site.

2 student: BUCHENWALD translates as "beech forest". But from the end of 1937 itNazi concentration camp.The camp contained torture chambers and execution chambers. 240,000 people from 32 countries were tortured here. More than 56 thousand. of them found their death here. 100 people died every day. Experiments were carried out on people: they were poisoned with mustard gas, which causes burns on the skin, they were given poisons, infected with malaria. The prisoners were subjected to very cruel tortures: they were branded with a red-hot iron, beaten with a whip into which the points of the blades were inserted, people were skinned alive. A zoo was created on the territory of the camp, in which there were 2 Himalayan bears, weakened and exhausted captives were thrown into their cage.

In 1958, a memorial complex was opened in Buchenwald

3 student: Dachau , the 1st concentration camp in Nazi Germany, established in 1933 on the outskirts of Dachau (near Munich). 250 thousand people from 24 countries were prisoners, about 70 thousand people were brutally tortured or killed. 30,000 survived to liberation. In Dachau, criminal "medical experiments" were carried out on people. On April 28, 1945, the prisoners rebelled, foiling a Nazi plan to exterminate the remaining prisoners.

IN 1960 in Dachau, a monument to the victims was opened.

4 student: MAYDANEK, fascist concentration camp near the city of Lublin in Poland. From 1941 to 1944, about 1.5 million people were exterminated in the camp.human. The Poles called the ovens of the crematorium on Majdanek “devil's furnaces” and the camp “death factory” ... ”When the wind blew from Majdanek, the inhabitants of Lublin locked the windows. The wind brought a putrid smell into the city. You couldn't breathe, you couldn't eat, you couldn't live. The wind from Majdanek brought terror to the city. From the high chimney of the crematorium in the camp, black, stinking smoke poured around the clock. The smoke was blown into the city. A heavy stench of carrion hung over the people of Lublin. It was impossible to get used to it.

Majdanek was destroyed in 1944 by Soviet troops.

5 student: TREBLINKA, Nazi concentration camps near the Treblinka station in the Warsaw Voivodeship of Poland. In Treblinka 1, about 10 thousand people were tortured, in Treblinka 2, about 800 thousand people died in gas chambers (mostly Jewsfrom 11 countries - Poland, USSR, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugoslavia, Macedonia). The healthiest of those who arrived were selected for work teams, they were used for several days or even weeks at various jobs - including unloading corpses from gas chambers, cleaning and washing cars, etc. On August 2, 1943, an armed uprising broke out in the camp, organized by members of the workers' teams. The rebels killed more than a dozen guards and SS men, set fire to some buildings. Of the 840 rebels, 200 people escaped from the camp, but most were later caught and killed, a few dozen survived.

Teacher. After the horrors of war, occupation, concentration camps, no one could even think about the possibility of the revival of fascism on Earth. In the long history of mankind, there is not a single example when the ideas of fascism would benefit the people and the country. Rejecting the ideas of nationalism, we in no way forget that we are citizens of Russia, we are proud of our homeland, we remember its history, we honor the traditions and customs of our people. But at the same time, our love is not associated with humiliation, disrespect and negative attitude towards other peoples and their cultures. We must remember that Russia is a multinational country, and this is our strength. We Russians are alien to aggressive ideas.

My dear friend, my peer, my neighbor

This day is a reward for us

The war is over.There is no fascism in the world.

We must rejoice in honor of the fallen.

Teacher. Now we are participating in the International Day of Struggle Against Fascism. Each of you will receive a paper man - your task is to make the man a representative of any country, race or faith.

And now we will arrange each little man around our globe, thus symbolizing the desire to resistideas of fascism. We are called to this by the blood of our compatriots, given for a just cause, for our bright future.

Teacher. Dear children, let's not forget about the sad events that took place in the history of our country and the whole world. We will always be proud of the great and invincible homeland, the power and greatness of our great country - our Russia.

International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism In 1962, the second Sunday of September each year was declared by the United Nations International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism Why in September? Because it was in this month that the Second World War.

Fascism, Nazism - The sum of ideas and a series of actions aimed at establishing the dominance of one race (Aryan) over other methods of enslavement and complete destruction. Originated in the years in Italy and Germany.

Concentration camps - created to contain the enemies of the regime taken under arrest. From 1933 to 1939 about 1 million people were "missed" through the Nazi concentration camps. During the Second World War, 18 million people of representatives of the peoples of all European countries "passed" through the concentration camps, of which 11 million were killed. Already in 1933 there were over 50 concentration camps in Germany.

Camp Conditions The daily hell of a prisoner usually began and ended with a verification. Under the prickly snow and pouring rain, in the heat and bitter cold in the morning and evening, young prisoners, old people and even children had to stand. The Nazis deliberately delayed the verifications, which lasted several hours, regardless of the weather.

The prisoners eked out a hungry existence. Once a day, roasted swede coffee, twice herbal soup, and 180 to 270 grams of bread, half with sawdust, is the prisoner's usual diet. At first, the soup was given hot, but there came a time when it was poured into bowls at noon and it stood until the evening. Only great hunger forced to eat this stew.

The water supply often failed, and the prisoners could neither wash nor rinse the dishes. If the prisoners got wet during work or at roll call, they went to bed in wet clothes and dried them with their own body heat during sleep. In camp conditions, even the most insignificant illness became dangerous. In a short time, the patient's body was covered with terrible wounds.

Punishments and executions A person could be punished for anything. They were punished for the fact that the prisoner picked an apple or brought a piece of swede; for smoking or taking it easy while working; for the fact that a scarf was tied out of shape; for the fact that a button was missing or unbuttoned, and even for exchanging his own gold tooth for bread. Prisoners who did not understand orders (given in German) or did not follow them quickly enough were doomed to beatings and persecution by the SS and officials.

Children were punished on an equal footing with adults, even for the most innocent offenses. Children, like adults, were subject to collective responsibility. If disorder was found in any room, everyone was punished, regardless of age. As punishment, children, for example, were forced to sit for several hours without moving in the snow.

11 million people turned to ashes... These are 11 million established personalities, these are people who could give new lives. The crimes against the peoples of Europe committed by fascist Germany had no equal in the history of mankind. This must be remembered, because what happened once can happen again.

International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism On this day all over the world: public actions are held in memory of tens of millions of people who died during the Second World War; it is customary to visit monuments, memorials, cemeteries where the victims of fascism are buried; It is customary to take care of nameless, abandoned, mass graves.

Modern neo-Nazism Austria Belgium Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina Great Britain Hungary Germany Greece Russia USA Ukraine France Croatia Estonia In many states, underground or open organizations adhering to the ideology of Nazism continue to operate in recent decades

Nationalism and neo-Nazism in Ukraine The emblem of the Azov Battalion, a volunteer militias with many members of the far right and neo-Nazi views The British newspaper The Telegraph notes that the involvement of formations like the Azov Battalion in a special operation in eastern Ukraine "should terrify Europeans" , because "their sources of funding are vague, the preparation is imperfect and takes only two weeks, and the ideology should be alarming." The publication notes that as Nazis from the Third Reich, the battalion uses the "wolf hook" as its symbolism, and members openly admit that they are racists or anti-Semites.

Nationalism and neo-Nazism in Ukraine Armed clashes in Ukraine have led neo-Nazi groups from Europe and Russia, who prefer forceful methods of solving problems, to use the conflict for their own purposes and try to attract new members to their side.

International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism Not mournful marble, not mournful granite, Not millions of statues and steles - Only human memory will forever preserve Those torments, and tears, and groans. There can not be someone above others, And this is proved by life! And that means that today we will remember them - About the fallen, about the victims of fascism ...

Courage Lesson

"Fascism - no!".

Teacher: Umarova T.V.

Date: 11.11. 2016


Increasing the cognitive interest of students in the issues of patriotism, indifference, a healthy lifestyle, respect for relatives and friends;

To instill patriotic qualities in the younger generation on the example of the unity of all peoples in the struggle against fascism during the Great Patriotic War;

To acquaint students with the beginning of the emergence of fascism in Germany, to analyze the consequences of fascism on the example of documentaries and historical facts;

- to develop in students the ability to think independently, make the right decisions in any life situations, have their own point of view, be able to defend it, conduct independent research work in search of a given material, develop non-standard creative thinking.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: the memory of the fallen during the Great Patriotic War, as well as the living veterans who experienced the horror of the war, is dedicated to our lesson, which is called: "A Lesson in Courage".

Pupil: On Victory Day
Faithful to the soldier brotherhood,
Gathering in a circle
War veterans.

Without ranks and without titles -
Ivana, Petra -
Twinned harsh
Military time.

Time is running at full speed
But in our native country
Years have not gone into oblivion,
that are marked by war.

Pupil: At the lesson in the first grade
The little ones whisper softly:

“Do you remember the Year of Victory, Vasya?
Forty-fifth! Write it down!

"Forty-one - forty-fifth!"
Our kids are learning.

And for a former soldier
It's like yesterday...

2. Introduction to the topic:

Who is a hero? (children's answers).

A hero is a person who performs feats, unusual in his courage, valor, selflessness.

What is Fatherland? (children's answers).

Fatherland, fatherland - native country.

Teacher: guys, who knows when the Great Patriotic War began? (In 1941)

Yes, guys, June 22, 1941 is remembered by all our people - this is one of the most tragic days in the history of the country.

3. The main part.
June 22 was a day off. Cities and villages were sleeping, after graduation parties young people were walking. Graduates dreamed of their future. Nothing foreshadowed trouble. As soon as dawn began to dawn, the clock showed 4 in the morning ...


And suddenly this morning silence was broken by a powerful invasion of military equipment: the rumble of aircraft, the clang of tanks, machine-gun bursts. An unfamiliar speech sounded... The enemy was cruel and strong...

Student: June 22, 1941 at 12 o'clock the Soviet government addressed the people by radio. The appeal told about the attack of fascist Germany on our country, it ended with the words “The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!"

June 22 at exactly 4 o'clock,
Kyiv was bombed, we were told
That the war has begun!
Peacetime is over
It's time for us to part
I'm leaving and I promise
Be faithful to you forever!

Teacher: and here are the words with which the Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, the head of the Orthodox Church in Russia, Sergius addressed the people on the same day: “Fascist robbers attacked our Motherland. Trampling all sorts of treaties and promises, they suddenly fell upon us, and now the blood of peaceful citizens is already irrigating their native land. But this is not the first time the Russian people have had to endure such trials. With God's help, this time too, he will scatter the fascist enemy force into dust. Our ancestors did not lose heart even in the worst situation, because they remembered not about personal dangers and benefits, but about their sacred duty to the Motherland and faith, and emerged victorious. We will not disgrace their glorious name, and we are Orthodox, kindred to them in the flesh and in faith. The Fatherland is defended by weapons and by a common national feat, by a common readiness to serve the Fatherland in a difficult hour of trials with everything that everyone can ... "
One of the first battles of the war took place near the border fortress of Brest. Its heroic garrison fought for about a month. ... If the stones could talk, they would tell the whole world about how the border guards stood! But the forces were, too, unequal.

On September 30, 1941, Hitler gave the order to attack Moscow. "Typhoon" - this is how the Nazis called their plan of attack. A typhoon is a strong wind, a swift hurricane. The fascists tried to break into Moscow like a hurricane, bypass the city from the north and south, squeeze our army into huge "pincers". Hitler's words were as follows: “The city must be surrounded so that not a single Russian soldier, not a single inhabitant - be it a man, woman or child - could leave it. Any attempt to escape must be suppressed by force.

On October 2, 1941, 80 fascist divisions went on the offensive. Our troops entered into heavy defensive battles. The great MOSCOW BATTLE began.


Having suffered a defeat near Moscow, Hitler ordered his generals to break through to the Volga and capture STALINGRAD. In the summer of July 17, 1942, the BATTLE OF STALINGRAD began.


The Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days.
1943 is the time of the BATTLE OF KURSK.


After Kursk, the Soviet offensive in the south-west of the country was the most powerful, and by April 1944 the German invaders were defeated throughout the territory of Ukraine, and the Soviet troops reached the State border.

In February 1945, Soviet troops approached Berlin. On April 30, 1945, our Red Banner flew up over the building of the German government - the Reichstag. But the Nazis continued to resist. And only on May 9, 1945, all the Nazi troops laid down their arms.

SLIDES 1, 2.

The song "Do the Russians want wars" sounds .

Student:n The people cannot live without remembering the lessons of their history. Only on the basis of the experience passed by the people, today and tomorrow are built ... This saying once again confirms the well-known truth that "without the past there is no present, and there can be no future." SLIDES 3, 4.

Student: many trials fell on the lot of ancient Russia and its inhabitants. The names of the heroes of numerous battles and wars that Russia had to wage, and then Russia, are carefully stored in the memory of people. The memory of them lives in the names of streets, boulevards, avenues of our city and microdistrict. For example: General Belov street, Marshal Zakharov street, People's Militia street, etc. The memory is alive in the songs written during the war years about the heroes who defended their homeland. This is a song about 28 Panfilov heroes, a song about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, a song about a soldier, a song about the defenders of Moscow, etc. Monuments have been erected to many of the heroes. Among the people living in Russia, there are no those who do not remember and do not know about the war. You can't forget this! And today, when fascism is again trying to raise its head in its new, but close to the old guise, it is necessary to remember what this has already led to once.

Sounds like song Buchenwald alarm. SLIDE 5.

Teacher: P The song was written after the war in 1952. Composer Vano Ilyich Muradeli spoke on the phone to the poet Sobolev: “What poetry! I write music and cry. Such poems and music do not need! The song got its name from the monument erected at the place where the Buchenwald death camp was located in Nazi Germany. W The idea of ​​the song came to the composer Muradeli under the impression of visiting another death camp - Auschwitz. “What I saw shocked me,” the composer said. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners who were tortured here, as if appealing now to the conscience of all mankind: “People, do not forget this, do not allow everything to happen again!”

Screening of a fragment from the documentary film "Ordinary Fascism".

Teacher: For 7 years, the famous German sculptor Fritz Kremer worked on the monument to the fighters of resistance to fascism in Buchenwald. The sculptural composition was installed in 1958 in memory of the thousands of victims of fascism who were tortured to death in this Nazi "death factory". He sought to embody in this majestic building the famous Buchenwald oath: "We swear to destroy fascism to the ground and build a world of freedom." The composition depicts the living and dead prisoners of Buchenwald, where over 250,000 people from 36 states languished in the period 1937-1945. According to some estimates, 65,000 people were killed in the camp, died of starvation or overwork. And on April 10, 1945, about 21,000 people gained freedom, including 900 children. The monument to the victims of Buchenwald is considered the first and one of the most significant monuments erected in Germany in memory of the people who died in the Nazi death camps. The main monument of the complex reminds of them, who laid down their lives and survived in Nazi captivity: a group of 11 bronze figures located around a tower with a bell, from where the famous "Buchenwald alarm" is heard.

Screening of a fragment from the film "Remember Your Name" (children in a Nazi concentration camp)

Listening to the song "Khatyn".

Student: On a sunny morning of March 22, 1943, a large detachment of punishers surrounded the Belarusian village of Khatyn in a dense ring. All residents - men, women, old people, children - were expelled from their homes by the punishers. And then, at gunpoint, everyone was herded into a large barn. Terrified, the people stood, closely clinging to each other. What were the executioners thinking? And suddenly a fire broke out. The Nazis set fire to the barn. People rushed to the wooden gates of the shed and began to beat with their feet and shoulders, asking for help and mercy to be released. Men piled on the doors, the gates swung open. Automatic bursts of punishers laid down everyone who tried to escape from the fire. The Nazis plundered the houses and burned the entire village to the ground. Khatyn was wiped off the face of the earth. 149 people died in the fire, including 76 children. A narrow path leads to a large clearing. There was a village here. And now, in place of the burnt huts, monolithic pillars resembling black chimneys rise. They have bronze bells. Their sad chime sounds like a reminder of the horrors of fascism. And a huge slab, where the words are carved: “Good people, remember, we loved life, And the Motherland, and you, dear ones. We were burned alive in a fire. Our request to everyone: let sorrow and sadness turn into courage and strength, so that you can perpetuate peace and tranquility on earth, so that nowhere and never does it die in a whirlwind of fires!

Together: “THIS IS FASCISM! We can't let this happen again!!!"

Showing a fragment from the film about Khatyn.

Hitler's fascism, like a plague, threatened the very fact of the existence of mankind and its civilization. The Soviet Union suffered the largest human losses in World War II. The victims of the Great Patriotic War, which lasted 1418 days and nights, were 26 million 549 thousand people - soldiers and officers, civilians - killed, starved to death, or died of deprivation. 12 million people died from hunger and epidemics.

All together: "THIS IS FASCISM!"

Student: any manifestations of fascism in our country, regardless of the reasons that give rise to them, are completely unacceptable and must be rooted out so that, God forbid, a terrible tragedy does not happen again!


What a terrible word war!
This is hunger, death and destruction,
It's hard for us today to understand
What is octopus bread!
We know about her from stories
Many civilians died.
Enough! Enough victims on the planet
We are a generation of peaceful children!
We will not allow war again
Stand up against fascism and you!!!

4. Reflection.

Teacher: Guys, let's "moment of silence" to honor the memory of all those who died in this terrible war. (Everyone gets up.)


Teacher: Children born and raised after the war should know, remember and feel the meaning of this difficult and heroic time, appreciate the feat of the people, since a lot of people died in this war. Only those who remember what war is can appreciate peace!

Teacher: what do you guys imagine when you hear the word "war"?

What do you imagine when you hear the word "World"?

Let's make a collective poster for peace, in memory of the dead. They gave their lives for us to live happily. This will be our small grain in the fight for peace!

Take colored paper and cut out your peace symbols (pigeons, flowers, balloons, flags, silhouettes of people, etc.) from it. From these symbols on a sheet of drawing paper (attached on the board) we will compose a composition. (Children cut out the symbols of the world and glue them to the paper).


Now look at the board. One part of it is a symbol of peaceful life, the second is a military one. What life will you choose? Stand up and go to the part of the board that you have chosen. (Children exit)

Teacher: All peace, good, clear to you. All the best and bright to you.

Scenario of the memory lesson "International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism."


In a private museum in orderly rows:
There are medals and crosses in the cabinets,
Eagles ... as if shining from a distance,
From the time of the gone darkness.
Here is the cross to the fascist soldier
It was a well-deserved gift
For the fact that that fascist - from a machine gun -
He killed a lot of Russians in that war.
And another cross, perhaps, became a reward
For thousands of painful deaths,
For being in the Leningrad blockade
The country was losing adults and children.
And these different badges, medals
With a swastika and blood on swords
For that, the fascist soldier was given
That he burned living people in furnaces.
There are awards for other people's lives,
For a terrible and long war,
Nothing can delight in fascism
The one who loves the Russian country.
Ved.1 The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism was determined precisely in September, since this month there are two dates associated with the Second World War - the day of its beginning and its complete end.Ved.2 The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism is the Day of Remembrance of tens of millions of people who perished as a result of a gigantic, inhuman experiment. These are the millions of soldiers that the fascist leaders pushed against each other, but even more - civilians who died under the bombs, from disease and hunger.Ved.1 Fascism is an ideology by which one person wants to put his foot on another person's neck and make that other person a slave. Especially the Nazis seek to destroy those who are not like the others, for example, people of a different nationality. "U. you do not have a heart, nerves. They are not needed in a war. Destroy pity and sympathy in yourself, killing every Russian, Soviet. Do not stop if there is an old man or a woman, a girl or a boy in front of you! Kill! By doing this, you will save yourself from death, secure the future of your family and every German soldier.Ved.2 Fascism is the most terrible ideology, because according to its canons a person is obliged to die only because the wrong blood flows in his veins. Nazism, turning into fascism, has become a real hell for many people from different countries of the world.Nikita

Not mournful marble, not mournful granite,
Don't Statue 4 i stele millions-

Only human memory will forever keep

Those torments, and tears, and groans.

No one can be superior to others

And this is proven by life!

And so, today we will remember them -

About the fallen, about the victims of fascism ...

The classical music "Adagio" by Albioni sounds, high school girls appear, in headscarves .. They become a semicircle.

Tanya. Oh, how early we lost you-

Strong, brave, so young...

No one was noticed afterwards.

Because you don't need others

Masha. Oh, how bitter, how painful, how scary

Escort your sons to war!

And, cherishing yesterday in my soul,

Take all the blame.

Anya. Oh, what a pity, what a pity, how pitiful

That children grew up as orphans ...

Ryabitishek - there were so few of them,

What could the word "dad" say!

Marina. The word "dad" native, alive

Repeat endlessly, endlessly!

Even more sorry for those who

All the warrior managed to take away!

Lena. Many days have passed... Decades...

They say everything has grown...

However, who is responsible for this?

For war, for damned evil?

The musical number is a song.

Ved.1 Now look at these faces. These are the victims of the Nazis. In 1939 the Second World War began. Over 62 million people died at the hands of the Nazis in 6 years. Thousands of towns and villages were turned into ruins. Here are some examples of how the Nazis tried to turn humanity into slaves.

Nastya. Khatyn is one of the Belarusian villages. There were thousands of them before the war. The inhabitants of Khatyn were peaceful, kind people. They raised bread, raised children and never wished harm to anyone.

Vika. But on March 22, 1943, the 118th security police battalion entered the village and surrounded it. The entire population of Khatyn, adults, old people, women, children, were driven by punishers into a collective farm barn. Those who tried to escape were killed on the spot.

Nastya. When all the people were gathered in barn, the punishers locked the doors, surrounded the barn with straw, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. wooden barn fast caught fire. Under the pressure of dozens of human bodies, they could not stand it and the doors collapsed. In burning clothes, terrified, suffocating, people rushed to run, but those. who escaped from the flames were shot from machine guns. 149 villagers were burned in the fire, including 75 children under 16 years old. The village itself was destroyed fully.

Vika. From adult villagers survived only 56-year-old village blacksmith Joseph Kaminsky. Burnt and wounded, he regained consciousness only late at night, when the punitive detachments left the village. He had to endure another heavy blow, among the corpses of his fellow villagers, he found his son. The boy was mortally wounded in stomach, received severe burns. He died in his father's arms. Joseph Kaminsky and his son served as prototypes for the famous monument in the memorial complex.

Nastya. Khatyn is not alone. On Belarusian soil, the Nazis burned 186 villages along with their inhabitants. Now this place is the only one in world graveyard villages.

Vedas.2 The most unthinkable and terrible of the atrocities of fascism is the death camps. On September 1, 1939, she attacked the territory of Poland - this very day is considered the day the Second World War began. In the occupied territories of Poland, the USSR. the Netherlands and other European countries have set up many death camps. The main goal of the Nazis in the camp was the destruction of human dignity, the transformation of people into

animals and destruction of people on a national basis. In total, 18 million people passed through the concentration camps, of which about 12 million died. human.

Ved.1 In such camps, prisoners were kept in inhuman conditions, forced to work
on 18 hours a day, the exhausted and sick were burned alive in the ovens of the crematorium, suffocated in
gas chambers, shot. Even children were not spared. They took their blood to heal
wounded in the battles of the Nazis. Experiments were performed on people, after which it was impossible
to survive, Hundreds of prisoners were vaccinated with contagious diseases, others served as experiments on how much the human body can withstand the cold.

Ved.2 Here are the top 5 death camps.

Tanya. Auschwitz, a city in southern Poland. Over 4 million massacred at Auschwitz human. 1/27/1945 liberated by the Soviet Army. A museum has been created on the territory of the former concentration camp.

Ved.1 From the memoirs of Shlomo Venezia, one of the few surviving prisoners of Auschwitz: “The two largest gas chambers were designed for 1,450 people, but the SS men drove 1,600 to 1,700 people there. They followed the prisoners and beat them with sticks. so many prisoners got into the cell that even after death they remained standing. There was nowhere to fall."

Ved.2 Auschwitz... the factory of death. This crime will remain on the conscience of Nazism forever and ever. Mankind wants to muffle the pain, I want to erase this bloody place... But you can't forget Auschwitz, because forgetting is a sure way to repetition.

Masha. BUCHENWALD, Nazi concentration camp. In Buchenwald there were 56,000 prisoners. In 1958, a memorial complex was opened in Buchenwald.

Anya. DAHAU, the 1st concentration camp in Nazi Germany, was established in 1933 on the outskirts of Dachau (near Munich). 250 thousand people were prisoners, tortured or killed about 70 thousand people. AT 1960 in Dachau, a monument to the victims was opened.

Marina. MAYDANEK, Nazi concentration camp near the city of Lublin (Poland). Exterminated in 1941-1944

about 1.5 million people.

Lena. TREBLINKA, Nazi concentration camps near the Treblinka station in the Warsaw Voivodeship of Poland. Approximately 100 died in Treblinka. 10 thousand people, in Treblinka II - about 800 thousand people, (mostly Jews) .. In August 1943, in Treblinka II, the Nazis suppressed an uprising of prisoners, after which the camp was liquidated. In Treblinka there is a symbolic cemetery, in the center there is a monument.

Musical number - dance.

Ved.1 Only with the arrival of our troops all this horror ended. Recalls Vasily Yakovlevich Petrenko, Hero of the Soviet Union, retired lieutenant general:

Ved.2“I, who had seen the death of people at the front more than once with my own eyes, was struck by such unprecedented cruelty of the Nazis towards the prisoners of the camp, who turned into living skeletons. Then I saw children ... A terrible picture: stomachs swollen from hunger, wandering eyes; hands like whips, thin legs; the head is huge, and everything else, as it were, is not human - as if sewn on. The children were silent and showed only the numbers tattooed on their arm.

These people had no tears. I saw them trying to wipe their eyes, but their eyes remained dry..."

Ved.1 May forever in our hearts, in our souls, remain the memory of the tortured, killed, innocent people. About children who, having barely begun to live, died at the hands of Nazi executioners. Let each of you remember forever that on our planet everyone is equal. May this never happen again.

Ved.2 Let's take a moment of silence today to honor the memory of those who died tragically.

A moment of silence. Metronome.


For sorrow, no words or reason are needed,

When they remember those who died

Under bombs, explosions, from bullets or hunger,

Who was killed in this black war.

Let the wars remain a page in history

So that we all do not know horror, fear.

Let the children do not know even in theory

Brown, dirty, disgusting plague.

Ved.1 But even today there are many who live by the idea of ​​innate

superiority. Therefore, the slogan of the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Fascism is to unite in order to resist extremism.

Ved.2 Millions of people died so that there would be eternal peace on Earth. Therefore, it hurts the heart so much when you hear today about wars, terrorism, about the victims of nationalist organizations. Children of Beslan, spectators of Nord-Ost, victims of explosions in the Moscow metro, victims of the confrontation on the territory of Ukraine, victims of an undeclared war that had barely begun XXI century.

Ved.1 Today, to the great regret of the living fighters against fascism and to the great shame of their descendants, attempts are being made to rehabilitate fascist criminals. The instability of the political situation in the country and the propaganda of fascist ideology led to the fact that hundreds of civilians - women, the elderly and children - became victims on the territory of Ukraine as a result of military confrontation. Events in Odessa are called Odessa Khatyn.

Ved.2 Fascist crimes have no statute of limitations, which means that attempts to glorify fascism can and should be considered complicity in its spread. These attempts should have no place in the modern world. Mankind paid too high a price to get rid of the brown plague. The nightmare of the Second World War must never be repeated, and the memory of the victims of fascism must live for centuries. It all depends entirely on us...

The musical number is a song.

Ved.1 We, the younger generation, must think about what will be XXI - th century and remember at what cost our happiness was won.

Ved.2 Let's keep in mind that

History is not oblivion, not an archive where one's sins are handed over.

She is the highest court

Where there is no forgiveness

Where the statute of limitations is not recognized ...

On the night of November 9-10, 1938, mass pogroms against the Jewish population took place in Germany and on part of the Austrian territory. The Sturmabteilung (SA) paramilitaries, together, as they would say today, took to the streets of cities with the aim of causing material and moral damage to the nation, the “final solution of the issue” of which Adolf Hitler dreamed of.

The night streets were literally strewn with shards of glass - from broken shop windows, shops, houses that belonged to German and Austrian Jews. Dozens of synagogues, cafes and other public places were attacked. It was the glass fragments on the sidewalks and the roadway that gave the name to those events: “crystal (glass) night” - the night that marked the beginning of active actions on the so-called “racial policy of the Third Reich”.

The declarative reason for the pogroms was the murder of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris by a Polish Jew named Herschel Grynszpan. Without a doubt, this was only a pretext for translating into reality the brutal policy towards the “inferior races” that was adhered to by the representatives of the Nazi elite, and on which the idea of ​​racial and ethnic hatred was actually built.

Today, in memory of those events, the world celebrates a date called international day against fascism, racism and anti-Semitism. The annual date (November 9) was set at the initiative of UNITED, an international network against racism that unites hundreds of organizations in dozens of countries around the world.

On May 9, 1945, Nazism in Germany was defeated. Millions of lives of Soviet people were laid on the altar of Victory over this evil spirits. It seemed that after the victorious May salute, the very concepts of "Nazism", "fascism", "racism" remained in the past as one of the blackest pages of mankind. However, 78 years have passed since Kristallnacht, 71 years have passed since the Great Victory, but interethnic, interracial and interethnic hatred, to the greatest regret, not only has not disappeared anywhere, but is gaining momentum with certain patronage.

Waves of inter-ethnic hatred began at one time to roll over our country. The grain of ethnic intolerance brought in from outside began to germinate on the soil on which the building of a united state was already shaking. By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Nazi underachievers openly identified themselves, which, as it turned out, felt quite at ease for decades, including on Soviet territory - in western Ukraine, in the Baltic republics. The Nazi ideology began to penetrate the territories of the republics, which turned out to be, as individual politicians loudly and joyfully announced at that time, independent. The Russians fled from the countries of Central Asia, leaving their shelter, work, and property. Within just a few months in 1991-1992, the Russian population of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan decreased significantly, as the new government “clearly” outlined its position on ethnic intolerance.

The seeds of nationalism, bordering on religious intolerance implanted from outside, began to identify themselves in the North Caucasus. Without a strong central government, the local leaders imagined themselves to be “messengers of the Almighty” and began to use the resource of actually squeezing out the Russian population, with whom for decades the Chechens, Ingush, Avars, Lezgins, Circassians, and other peoples lived together, created together for the benefit of a single country.

The destructive ideology of interracial, inter-confessional and inter-ethnic intolerance manifests itself in the Middle East. One can constantly hear how Western political scientists, repeating the mantra “Assad must go”, are trying to exploit the false argument that in a country of the Alawite minority, an Alawite cannot be the head of state. This sounds even more surprising from the lips of American "experts" and from the pages of the American media - given that the President of the United States is still a representative of the black population, which today has not yet managed to move to the rank of racial majority in the States.

By the way, about racial intolerance in a country that calls itself "a beacon of democracy" and "an exceptional state in the world." The exclusivity really shines through here. It consists at least in the fact that in a rare country in the world today you can actually find a ghetto for representatives of national minorities. In the USA, you can. In particular, we are talking about reservations for the native American population. When the liberal press writes that there are about 4.5 million Indians living in the United States, who “everything is fine”, including social preferences, I would like to ask the authors of these “opuses” if they managed to get acquainted with the statistics and the reality of life on reservations .

Something about the statistics of the Indian population of the United States. In the Indian environment, the highest death rate in the United States. In a number of reserves, the percentage of infant mortality is at the level of countries in central Africa. The American Indians have the lowest level of literacy in the United States, because despite the declarative openness of the educational system of the United States for these peoples, outside the reservations, Indians, to put it mildly, are not expected. In fact, any political activist from among the representatives of the indigenous population automatically falls under the scope of special services as a "potential separatist". Therefore, against the backdrop of thousands of human rights organizations, as it were, the number of structures trying to identify the problems of Indians in the United States can be counted on the fingers.

The uniqueness and exclusivity of the United States can also be stated in the fact that it was this country that gave refuge the largest number Nazi criminals who moved to the New World from Germany. This is an important characteristic of a state that positions itself as a winner in World War II. And here is one more detail - the United States, together with Canada and Ukraine, became three countries from the entire composition of the UN, which some time ago once again refused to support a resolution condemning the manifestations of Nazism and racism in the modern world.

On the International Day against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism, I would like to express the hope that this date on the calendar is not a "passing" date. After all, this is a real reason to think about what the attempts of some to convince themselves and those around them that they have more rights in this world than representatives of other nationalities, races and confessions lead to.